Pubblicata il 04/12/2016

Referendum - The Ministry cuts the costs for the votes of 60%. Communes of Sardinia and Puglia in revolt


Referendum: a half hour of the polls closed, the Ministry officially cutting expenses for the referendum and the whole process of organization. So municipalities and citizens will have to pay from their own pockets their vote. And 'an absurdity. The complaint came from the one of the ANCI Sardinia and Puglia. "The order issued after the deadline to make changes, exposes municipalities to the risk of formation of off-balance sheet liabilities and claims for damages on the part of service providers. In addition, this cut preclude the extraordinary election for the staff: the City has to choose if you pay suppliers or municipal staff ", he wrote in a note to the Association of Municipalities of Puglia. The Sardinians and Apulian municipalities are working to force the government to pay these expenses, otherwise we will proceed with tough actions. The government has promised recently, billions of investment and tax cuts for the citizens of the South, is spitting on these promises. And because everything has to fall back on Sardinia and Puglia and not in the other regions? Well, mystery.


Written by: Maurizio Savigni